A Beginner's Introduction to R Through the Tidyverse

Section 5 of 5


You did it!


You’ve learned a lot in this course! Let’s review some of the key concepts you’ve learned.

Data Manipulation

You learned how to use the dplyr package to manipulate data. You learned how to:

  • Select columns with select()
  • Filter rows with filter()
  • Create new columns with mutate()

Data Visualization

You learned how to use the ggplot2 package to visualize data. You learned how to:

  • Create bar plots with geom_bar()
  • Create scatter plots with geom_point()

You also learned how to customize your plots with:

  • labs() to add titles and labels
  • theme() to customize the appearance of your plots

Data Aggregation

You learned how to use the group_by() and summarize() functions to aggregate data.



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Sections in this course

A Beginner's Introduction to R Through the Tidyverse
